

I sat,


Could it really be?

That I am the one?

That it is left up to we?

Those before do not see as we see.

They scoff at feminist

and cling to racism.

Yet, agism they ignore.

They say those lesbians and those gays.

They refer to her as an it.

As if their inability to understand is her fault.

As if their blindness, pettiness, incompetencies

are somehow our fault.

They blame it on we.

Those millennials they scream.

Perhaps they’ve forgotten

it was they who raised we.



foolish, they say.

All the while,



understanding, says we.

We says be who you are,

it’s quite okay with me.

After all, who is we to say who you should be?

So, be who you are

and we will do the same,

hoping we will one day raise children

who will continue in that way.

Yet, we will understand

if they do not

knowing that our they once had the same hopes for we.